9 the new world (7)
10 make stronger or more durable (7)
11 mum's mum (7)
12 claim, say (7)
13 choice (9)
15 perfume (5)
16 turns into (7)
19 moved (7)
20 possessive adjective 3rd person plural (5)
21 devices for keeping the rain off your head (9)
25 open, vulnerable (7)
26 late (7)
28 torch, enclosed flame for light (7)
29 apply (a law) (7)
1 reacts vocally to comic event (6)
2 intricate part (6)
3 discover (4)
4 US American state in North Pacific (6)
5 pupils (8)
6 following (10)
7 least dear (8)
8 ridden with viral, fungal or bacterial disease (8)
14 pressurised (air, for example) (10)
16 in an angry, hurt, or resentful way (adv) - sounds like lemon tastes? (8)
17 crawling like an insect (8)
18 making a noise (8)
22 amount of money designated for a particular purpose (6)
23 strata (6)
24 quick, unexpected (6)
27 machine for moving people up and down in buildings (4)
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