1 Rudely pan a picture – setter’s not grateful (14)
9 Light this place, and others may gather round (8)
11 I’m grateful one mat’s returned – a Japanese one? (6)
12 Where you might find toe jam (4)
13 Attend to some of the education (4)
14 A posh painter acquires gold for skylight (6)
15 Porridge is ghastly if there isn’t some left (5)
17 Who helps film director cut really crap leads & reassemble what remains? (6)
19 Set about Brooks or Gibson in a weak way (6)
20 I worried about river that’s seething (5)
21 Where you’ll find one tube in a care home (2,4)
23 Repair engineers emptied distillery (6)
25 Island in river – whichever you like – is wet (5)
27 Risky place for António Guterres to put his savings? (6)
28 Addict seen in American hospital department (4)
30 A mother, or a man without one (4)
32 Delay short vacation before party in Ulster (4,2)
33 Get back from river Tees, endlessly in turmoil (8)
35 Town dweller’s gun – bit dodgy (9,5)
2 Nick books in new church (5)
3 Head of state’s losing identity now (7)
4 Grass found in East Sussex (3)
5 Tiny accommodation put on the market, reportedly (4)
6 Great – rally organised public hangings here (3,7)
7 Provisional English leader’s getting slim & fit? Quite the reverse (7)
8 Run – ran – in support of Miss Woodhouse being depicted in stone (9)
10 Growth captured in face recognition (4)
15 I carry a scythe; I’m surrounded by annoyed growling by each person cut down (4,6)
16 Flavour of sodium amide (5)
18 Off-Grid host left carrying new piece of furniture (9)
22 Constantly working to arrest founder of chicken restaurant chain (2,3,2)
24 Big man quits, puzzling Sam Vimes (7)
26 Identify American war briefly supported by England (4)
29 Get excited over liberal composer (5)
31 Dry air circulating should end (4)
34 Draw a kipper, for example (3)
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