1 The king briefly adopts Royal Institution’s trademark lecture series for kids (9)
6/52 Carol, 13, involved with Mike Baldwin (2,3,5,3-6)
13 Cry about feasible particle (5)
14 Bird found in convoluted clue to ‘wrens’ (5,6)
15 What may run behind terrace? A line (sort of line) (5)
16 When retiring, strip off: you’ll soon be this (6)
17 Loyal supporter beginning to embrace a liberal wife (8)
18 Noted Italian who’s somewhat cross, initially (7)
20 See 22
22/23/20 Someone looking out after number 1, across fresh snow: ace sledging, OK? (4,4,9)
24 Infusion pour les anglais? (3)
26 Avail oneself of American drug (3)
27 Independent setter put London theatre in Los Angeles city! (12)
29 Attitude of good man: a pleasant one excluded (6)
30 To frighten does, perhaps, take time (5)
31 Piece of sports kit (3)
32/20D Perhaps Peter Sellers’ casting aspiration upon reading Being There script – little hope of that (6,5,2,1,4,5)
33 I’m upset by small, prompt error in pool (6)
35 Mashed-up mark (2,4)
37 Sociopolitical justice movement recalled Bush’s address to Blair about bra size (6)
38 Silver ring’s gone (3)
39 Broadcast exhortation to purchase site in the Emirates (5)
41 Trump acquires a new drawing by supporter (3,3)
42 Ulterior motive demonstrated by Volkswagen/Daimler? (6,6)
44 The greatest painter from Spain, topped (3)
46 What’s seen at end of calculation & after deductions (3)
47 Work last of Brent crude, say (4)
48 Arab head of European space station (4)
50 Something affecting mood and memory of aggrieved non-Tories (9)
53 Mate with Lady Grey perhaps at dance where light meals are available (7)
54 Entrenches in elderly relatives one must be embraced (8)
56/55 Carol is upset fast thing’s broken (6,5)
59 One responsible for Railway Children returning without time for playwright (5)
60 Labourer whose position is deeply entrenched (5,6)
61 Slate rubbish car firm (5)
62 Merchandise a Martian made stranger – one with charitable intent (4,9)
63 I’d tucked into extra pie, and – cor – stuffing! (9)
1 Firm undergarment for emergency committee (5)
2 Lend present out? Brilliant (11)
3 Genuine blend of after and before (7)
4 Small plants working way over ship (4)
5 Nothing in piece of data describes weaselly type (5)
6 Who propounds an ism? I do, embracing eastern record and universal energy (9)
7 African bird shredded our coat (7)
8 That chap turned up clutching round, illuminated tool from ages past (6)
9 Mental willpower, less whisky: when you’re upset, just stick it out (5,3)
10 Edit Oasis, a paginated novel (1,7,2,5)
11 Until the questionable open mic, it’s not simply black and white (11)
12 i.e. movies, DIY, talent/makeover shows for the housebound (7,10)
19 Figure otherwise concealing impertinence (7)
20 See 32 Across
21 Racehorse from South Africa swallowed drug and squashed fly, perhaps (10)
25 Releases record, then runs fast to get first of Grammys (10)
27 Fried pig’s crotch’s rank snack (4,11)
28 Sickly-looking vegetable on sterile jelly (5)
32 Love lost in board game when given hints (5)
34 Perhaps they enrol in woodworking courses? (7)
36 Instruction for one sent to jail: stop gonads shaking, love (2,3,4,2)
40 Ponder this: first of bloody showers and Easter is ruined! (5-6)
43 Telling people to accept a clergyman (9)
45 Post-beatnik lifestyle of some chippy dominatrixes (8)
49 Picture warning from one wary of coffee-scald litigation? (7)
51 Perverted townies attend occasionally (7)
52 See 6 Across
55 See 56 Across
57 You can rely on him to answer director with ‘Yes!’ (5)
58 Soldiers with coordinates for antelope (4)
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