1 Part of a range of service provided (6)
6 Shake alien spacecraft (6)
9 Parasite’s Seoul production (5)
10 Bone idle Brits upset local airline initially, after France (6)
11 Drink in the sun in a part of St Moritz, say (3,3)
12 1 of 19 held by Sméagol and Frodo (4)
14 Light touch of metal band (4)
15 Extremes of laziness cloak the scene (9)
16 Oddly ignored low-browed instrument (4)
18 Sit next to returned instrument (4)
20 Colour of river on street map (5)
22 Not-so-smart liberal taken in by broadcaster (6)
24 See when one’s admitted without trouble (6)
26 Pink panther’s tail trapped in rock (5)
29 Virus reaches English colony (4)
30 Left-wing journalist tailed republican (3)
31 Riotous assembly of Windsor gynaecologists (4)
32 What you’re looking at’s cut short by bit of balsa wood perhaps (4)
34 Fourth-rate sort of music tape sent to A&R man (4)
36 A bit of television, about Kirk, originally (4)
38 Rough strand protected by bank employees (4)
39 Bit of brightness? Absence makes this (5)
40 Did once get ousted violently (4,2)
41 Force small lock (6)
2 Is setter good old buddy? (5)
3 Mark got in scrape with the French – a brawl (7)
4 Yellow marshland surrounding American airport (6)
5 Almost drop biscuit in tea that’s brown (3)
6 Pale green plant: seeds are endlessly scattered (6)
7 Leading character in Casablanca – its bar-owner – and French 1 of 19 (7)
8 Horseplay? (5)
13 English gentleman’s magazine (7)
17 1 of 19 that’s light years from Keith Waterhouse novel on detective (9)
19 Al gambles recklessly on football and tennis, say (4,5)
20 Discharge from a royal castle (3)
21 Fish caught right out of lobster pot (3)
23 I left wickeder building in ruins (7)
25 1 of 19 short series to accept no endorsement (7)
27 Essential part of motorboat required in 19 (3)
28 Join a theologian (3)
33 Boss invested in Premium Bonds (4)
35 Crosswordland’s favourite golfer hides a thousand moose (4)
37 How German concurs with where teeth are situated (3)
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