NOTE: one solution is not in Chambers, but can be confirmed with Wikipedia and other online sources.
1 Go up for a moment without cheese (3)
3 Test country following India after England’s opening ten in the morning? (11)
9 Dig with Carter unexpectedly finding container of ink, perhaps (9)
10 Assamese product gets rupees and produces rent (5)
11 Intel from all four corners (4)
12 Going into recess, mixing gin and taking a day in France (10)
13 Angrily rip up solution before end of May, in a way that bodes ill (14)
18 USA isn’t cultivating plant? That won’t do! (14)
22 A computer can run this former European currency board (10)
24 Lyricist from Morecambe, cycling (4)
26 Feel bone that hurts (5)
27 Greta upset with quote about something bad for you (9)
28 Impermeable pages for o’er spread? (11)
29 Where this comes in across list in appendix (3)
1 Sitting across from fellow passing with flying colours (6)
2 Old measures of days drawn out (9)
3 Finally realise phenomena appear on merit (4)
4 With tops removed, lined part of bra made sense (5,2)
5 Vessel from which to serve frozen gravy? (7)
6 Stern matters of work (9)
7 One beginning to rewrite a question on independence for Arab (5)
8 Spooner leaves votes against flower arrangements (8)
14 Awkwardly cut rose he fixes in Photoshop perhaps (9)
15 Hunt group on film (left out of bad film) (1,1,1)
16 See trivet set on table, it’s beside your plate (9)
17 Joke about uniform shelter makes good day for Jerry (5,3)
19 Developing apps can get American dummy round (4,3)
20 Quickly run out, behind a long leg (7)
21 Top teacher with ambition might want to ______ (6)
23 Piece of music from Spielberg film for all to see, with odd bits of Duel (5)
25 A count of one on the tennis court (4)
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