1 Awkward courtship where shrew gets entangled with him (9)
2 Musketeer regularly annoys visitors (9)
3 Knowing of chief pattern in fingerprints (4)
4 Vivacity of childless Irish thoroughbred (7)
5 Some stars recollect Isaac is Poe (10)
6 What pours from fluid core in Lady M’s damned stain (5)
7 Jack Ketch’s naval adventures, very exciting at first (5)
13 The answer I put in: ludicrous – absurd! (10)
14 Really not thinking of first person in play with Dane penned by troubled bard (5,4)
15 Supported by the French, shark hunter raised five times as much... (9)
18 ...Hit fishing boat with head of dogfish, absorbing energy (7)
20 Spanish prince is missing in difficult periods (5)
21 Vermicelli, perhaps, found at front of Waitrose or Marks & Spencer (5)
24 Not-very-obscure fever (4)