1 Easy street? Oh god, leftie crap (3,4,4)
7 Cut that hurts man in front (3)
9 Part of terminus, extremely busy (2,3)
10 Rash impulse’s origin in curt revised song (9)
11 Guide America into the light (4)
12 Superior gambler (6)
13 Fetish of one who swings both ways (3)
14 Brit confused by promotion in charge of lesbians (8)
16 Device that’s inflated leader of Britain in capital newspaper (3,3)
19 All-in brawl involving Belgian leader, the French, and German intervening (6)
20 Position for silver item decorating table at university (6-2)
23 Buff jewel to get rid of streaky finish (3)
25 Digital units up for approval (6)
26 Explicit message in midday prayer (4)
28 A country-house attraction intended to take off American incredulity (9)
29 Go off beer, having drunk Double Diamond (5)
30 How to get time off a policeman (or time off a job) (3)
31 Rivals to staff disc jockey Wogan getting time off (3,3,5)
1 Allowed to hold up excursion for one of three (7)
2 Cautioned about knowledge transfer (9)
3 Outstanding word origin added to dictionary (4)
4 Something to get you going (8)
5 If you’re playing Africa, you might be this, entirely (2,4)
6 Trip on cruise around centre of Luxor ruined (9)
7 Woman married on famous ship (5)
8 Rear of BMW given a turn changing lanes a lot (7)
15 Cultivated area where all-round teetotal men may be welcomed in (9)
17 Topless sex supports Simpsons character – Moe? (9)
18 Almost certainly part of new Kingston neighbourhood (8)
19 Pub to exclude adult woman (7)
21 Throwing mustelid into empty passageway (7)
22 Apply deodorant all round the Ashmolean, say (6)
24 Note absence of colour (5)
27 Annual journey from hotel with a tux (4)
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