1 One responsible for vehicular holdup (4)
4 Cat-calls about fuss where grasses abound (7)
10 Like Caesar’s wife, never fingered! (6,9)
11 It’s twaddle to silence mate (4)
12 Punishment for juveniles left with Spanish girl (5)
13 Clinton’s account of serious crime accusation (4)
16 Fellow of Caledonia (3)
17 Church worker stands before tree (5)
19 Board of spiritualists (5)
21 Growth of fake evidence (5)
22 Time to turn over a pest online (5)
23 Discharge a Catholic (3)
25 Off-Broadway actors go here for award (4)
27 Coasters put back with quiet gesture of petulance (5)
29 Who treats fabric fringes of doily and evening-wear? (4)
31 This is popular with toast or ale, anagrammed badly (6,9)
33 Call to appear one day, swamped by maths (7)
34 Life peer gives up weapon (4)
2 Country renamed by Asian is organised differently (9)
3 Compassionate daughter supports family (4)
4 CID, IRS and Met criminally set on a wild goose chase (9)
5 Part of supermarket one’s surrounded with beer (5)
6 In Tokyo, bisexual’s kimono has this (3)
7 Some specifics about a genre (3-2)
8 Grew less annoyed by a Telegraph editorial decision at first (6)
9 Bundles of nerves, losing first Golf or old Ford (6)
14 Lies right next to when harbouring objection (5)
15 Parrot left in old college (5)
18 Horse impressions shook farm up (4-5)
20 Customs officials may look here whatever happens (2,3,4)
21 Sort of car leaders of police are trialling runs on lithium (6)
24 Who cuts up vehicle, extremely short (6)
26 What’s found in clay ovens? Short answer: sodium, to start with (5)
28 Top men working to eliminate source of need for speed (5)
30 Old man, say, lifted up boy in service (4)
32 Clergyman found in hall? Quite the opposite (3)
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