1 Now you see these left among the pool equipment (5)
4 See 30
10 Going inside to purchase first and last of Riesling and German red wine (8)
11 Graduate has this bit of contraband (e.g. reefers) (6)
12 Tax small company ahead of time (4)
13 Who keeps the funds safer following rate adjustment? (9)
14 Turned up with the BBC accent and the French dye (6)
16 Autopsy chosen to reveal sociopathic types (7)
19 Their job description: mend fiction, rest occasionally (7)
21 Reluctant to provide 5? (6)
24 What 5 with 14? ‘Nose’ might, strangely (9)
26 Get hold of clothing that’s twisted in the middle (4)
27 Old airline and American hat (6)
28 Boring part doctor got his teeth into, ringing the sick (5,3)
29 One writer issued orders to otorhinolaryngologists... (5,4)
30/4 ...another, strangled by her editing (5,9)
2 Whence Apollo set out boy supporting corporation, according to Spooner (6,3)
3 + (5)
5 Maybe Busta raps and claps (6)
6 Cnut, Odin, Esta, Ash: they’re stripped off (7)
7 Understood lexicographer’s 4/5 right (5)
8 Of such people, the first one expected to succeed (5)
9 Load up Facebook service briefly, then start to laugh (6)
15 Break down some proteins (3)
17 My heart stopped early (3)
18 Met perhaps on telly, embracing one European worker (9)
20 County of mainland Denmark, starting to turn right (7)
22 No meat for me – I’ve egg ... that’s not right! (6)
23 Earnestly asked for president to bring in Democrat (6)
24 Chaos of United supporters on the way up (5)
25 Note held by tragic heroine somewhere in Florida (5)
26 Ditch bloke with lines to absorb (5)
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