8 He ladles rather quietly inside (7)
9 After tea, read about absurd behaviour (7)
10 Ancient or shattered pot, perhaps (9)
11 Uncovered heads of departments eating kale and nuts on the way back (5)
12 Matched peer with blinking light (8)
14 A large drink for the stuntman (6)
17 Excellent run of notes... (3)
18 ...plus part of the glissando (3)
19 Drunk came down and started a fire (3)
20 Turned up with new groaner (3)
22 Dreadful din he’d drawn a veil over (6)
23 Romeo slipped into doric building or gallery (8)
26 Unthinking worker to steal from books (5)
28 Head office gets Nokia 3310, perhaps, without bitterness – or something that sounds much the same (9)
30 Honest sight is one of those things (7)
31 Retreat of Greek character going north-north-east by railway (7)
1 My new toe complaint (4)
2 Involve machine learning in fast cycling (6)
3 Circular kitchen appliance said to help make fizzy pop (9)
4 Chill society nurse (5)
5 Involved with con, substitute Atari for Mac (8)
6 Cut crashing bores out of horseback ride (4)
7 Want the French to supply darning gear (6)
8 To get ahead, look round University College Cork, then head to Dublin (7)
13 Starving government agent following a Parisian (5)
15 One beginning to perspire in bed (a two-footer) (5)
16 Totally, you’ll find me absorbed in bits of scripture – I might have a plot here! (9)
18 Opening part composed about English flower (8)
21 Preschool health worker heads to Ripon, Yorks. (7)
22 That girl’s retriever brought up some tea (6)
24 He’ll sell part of hospital and feel contrite (6)
25 Subject of article on your setter (5)
27 Droplet of harmful drug ingested (4)
29 Sign indicating a hen party? (4)
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