6 If lube gets smeared around ring, this’ll get you going, naturally (7)
7 Give more space to one who sells old books (5)
9 Self esteem primarily, and verve (3)
10 Last hurrah heard perhaps at puzzle’s edge (4,4)
11 State joke with some punch (6)
12 With entirety cut by 50%, starts to press escape key again (6)
14 Movie with regular flight path interrupted by a bit of poisoning (8)
15 Recycle this crap to get replacement tin perhaps (7)
18 Feature of church TV station in which national curriculum replaces the news (7)
22 Operates with dance studio (8)
24 Locution that's ‘out’, ‘not with it’ might be this? (6)
27 One of such lifeforms that are struggling to live until oxygen’s introduced (6)
28 In feeble state, Royal Mail’s replaced by new thing that goes on without stopping (8)
29 Three-quarters of ten cents? That’s stupid! (3)
30 Edible root among cultivated weeds (5)
31 Not cognisant of Stubbs products? (7)