1 Stained cycles move around (4)
5 Short cut around back of tower (4)
9 It's intended to transport a parrot around Romania (5)
10 Dicker about with Romeo's well-constructed apparatus (7)
11 Clever component of tea blending (4)
12 Spiritual type of informal greeting to infantryman (4)
14 City deny getting drunk after evacuating Salisbury (6)
16 Scratched rule in church before God (6)
19 Unfortunate tear in tissue layer (6)
20 Parks perhaps cultivate this genus? (4)
23 Too many instrumentalists in London follow America's lead (4)
24 Spread lie and secret about Robert Dudley (9)
26 Jade cloth (4)
27 The heartless politician who works on a casual basis (4)
30 I scar a convoluted part of the lung (3,3)
32 It can be a shot in the arm if pill's ground up (6)
34 Ruins playgrounds, reportedly (6)
35 Hum about European king (4)
37 Either extreme of key location in northern England (4)
38 Solemn SF film acquires British composer and son (7)
39 Bend joint at top of leg (5)
40 What's found in bog? Drug hidden by Irishman (4)
41 Fraudulent scheme returning computer equipment (4)
1 Surrender up Rolls Royce going to final customer (3,4)
2 Laughs at advertised distribution with VAT knocked off (7)
3 Boozer found in two eastern states (4)
4 Treatment Schwarzenegger cut short, supported by his constituency (6)
6 Fiddler's stroke knocked edges off two pieces of crockery (2-3)
7 Over-pretty German fabric (5)
8 Tear a bit of ripped 7, perhaps? (5)
13 What's grown in the Med to relieve misrepresentation (5,4)
15 Some hairy, etiolated creature? (4)
17 A bit isolated (5)
18 Poem composed about bit of Surrey Downs location (5)
21 Forest giraffe's all right – a little sanctimonious (5)
22 Radical friend left behind (5)
25 Warming heart of the law's melted away (4)
28 Old flame from Greek isle almost discharged stuff (7)
29 Vegetables set in Spanish bread, formerly? (7)
30 One in favour of non-smokers' protective garments (6)
31 Ten million Christians initially run out religion lessons (5)
32 Prison reformer out of bed for full English breakfast, perhaps (3-2)
33 Russian leader tucked into hot flowing grub (5)
36 Marine life found in snorkel pipes (4)
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