1 Alternating leaves provide seasonal diversion (7,8)
9 Play in the wind and rain (7)
10 Verbally securing the maximum (7)
11 He has a father's heart and that's plain (5)
12 It's uncompassionate to travel avoiding coasts and cause congestion (9)
13 Radical overhaul of the exit terms (9)
15 Ride aboard moped alone (5)
16 Rows fused together (5)
18 Manual labourer or investor? (9)
20 Gushed and pouted about belonging to us (9)
23 Sub-group of countries use the German language (5)
24 Might I eat no starter for lunch, just a dessert? (7)
25 Funny part of the circus is typically in range (3,4)
26 Appropriately filed regulation (5,3,7)
1 Challenge to contract disease where possible (5,2,2,3,3)
2 Small car that contains a mirror (7)
3 A cold place to sleep, Greenland for example (3,6)
4 Rise in the morning as a habit (3-2)
5 Big group scramble in short race (9)
6 I hold up a card with a mantra or phrase (5)
7 After a shuffle, dealing reveals flush (7)
8 Hand-out indicating recommended practice (10,5)
14 Examination of scene dialogue (9)
15 Lively rep used to point out specific parts of prototype (9)
17 We can have endless love for Peter (7)
19 Made irate emitting an audible whine (7)
21 Opening onions makes severe smell (5)
22 Go mad about the teaching (5)
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