2 This rebellion by settlers protesting the policies against them inhabiting Native lands in 1676
5 From the Patuxet tribe, he helped the English settlers of Plymouth Colony survive the early days
9 Holiday feast which dates back to 1621, when the Pilgrims and the Wampanoag Indians gathered at Plymouth
10 Also known as the "People of the Longhouses" and a confederacy of six Native American nations
11 Leader of the Mohawk Tribe who fought for the British in the French and Indian War
12 Father of Pocahontas, he was a powerful chief when the colonists arrived in Jamestown in Virginia in 1607
14 Final significant conflict between Native Americans and US soldiers in December 1890
16 The leader of an Apache tribe and was born in Mexico in 1829
18 Sioux chief who led the fight against General Custer in the Battle of Little Bighorn
20 Tribe located in the southeastern United States which sided with the British during the Revolutionary War
21 Three military conflicts in Florida between the United States and the Seminoles from 1816 - 1858
22 Tribe that had the first Thanksgiving with Pilgrims
23 Powhatan Princess who was married to John Rolfe, a Jamestown settler
1 Main Iroquois tribe that sided with the British in the American Revolution
3 Lakota resistance warrior who was a leader at the Battle of Little Bighorn in 1876
4 This Shoshone woman helped the Lewis & Clark Expedition from 1804 to 1806
6 Battle of Little _____ in 1876 was a major US Army defeat. General Custer died here
7 Congress passed this legislation in 1830 to begin the forced relocation of thousands of Native Americans
8 Armed conflict between 1636 and 1638 in New England between the Pequot tribe and the colonists
13 Shawnee leader who died in the War of 1812
15 Forced removal of Indians from 1830 to 1850 to west of the Mississippi River.
17 Also known as the Iroquois Wars and fought in the 17th century
19 The first settlers from Siberia crossed into North America through this Strait
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