2: Great coolness and composure under strain
4: Again, but in a new or different way
5: Very bad indeed
7: Characterized by friendship and good will
9: A condensed but memorable saying embodying some important fact of experience that is taken as
true by many people
11: Use to one's advantage
13: A desirable state
15: The love of money
16: Mixed with impurities
17: Rough, or rude in a manner of speech
1: To praise, almost to the point of worshiping
2: Inform (somebody) of something
3: A loud harsh or strident noise
4: Alleviate (pain)
6: Out of harmony with the time
8: Settle a dispute, invoke calm
10: Mix together, to create something new
12: Stern in manner, appearance, or disposition
13: Unrestrained by convention or propriety – overly confident
14: Dry