2 An exclamation used to express being hurt (2)
4 Paper holder (4)
7 To this day (3)
9 West African storyteller (5)
11 Worked on wood with a handled cutting tool (5)
13 Cooked less well done (5)
14 That thing (2)
15 The 14th letter of the Greek alphabet, Ξ, ξ (2)
16 French clergyman (4)
18 Perform (2)
19 Uses serrated shears (5)
20 An expression of surprise (2)
21 Comfortable, inviting (5)
23 A flowerless plant that reproduce by spores (4)
25 About ships (5)
26 Put to work again (6)
29 Toned (3)
33 Rock music with emotional lyrics (4)
35 A wooden pin pushed or driven into a surface (3)
36 A crested largely blue bird (3)
37 An order of Greek columns (5)
38 Negative reply (2)
39 An expression of hesitation (2)