7 Students go left by mistake (4-2)
8 Supporter of 1922 committee wrecked my car with THC (8)
9 Thong with wings worn in bed (10)
10 Second rate gang return to failure (4)
11 Aunt's niece has trifles prepared (4-6)
15 Lied about supermarket counter (4)
16/17 She's a girl cruelly investigated by the 1922 committee (5,4)
19 Name CIA-run fiasco out of step with US values (2-8)
21 Leave out parts of novel from Italian author (4)
22 Things being done by the book, 4-by-1 beam inside (10)
25 Like loud rap? Play this Blur album (8)
26 One most appealing to the ear smarts when passed (2,4)
1 It is under a standard European tire on the left (8)
2 Public disgrace at work - wiggled rump holding broken biro (10)
3 Like a pilot lacking decision (2,2,3,3)
4 Sticks up for the self-satisfied (4)
5 Horrific cost of being from Dundee (4)
6 Fortune taps a new church (6)
12 Trunk with 99 branches of mathematics and philosophy (5)
13 Foolishly trusting SO's speciality (6,4)
14 Loose match made with one from one's own class (10)
18 Act like it's liable to panic (8)
20 Canter about delivering drink to Olympians (6)
23 Terrorists flower in Oxford (4)
24 Chopped up, decapitated and killed (4)
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