2 Sounds of stein being drunk (6)
3 Trivial objection raised in Godiva case (5)
4 Just haggard? (5)
5 New winger in debt to half (5)
6 Batter? Use tin-opener, perhaps (7)
7 Eliminate Ulster tribe (5)
8 Senate leader broke NASA into smaller, less complicated pieces (9)
12 One can hear it in high church (5)
13 Member that resists compression when mating is under way (5)
15 Girl damaged barbecue (5)
16 Location of scuttling paws of concern around California (5,4)
17 Chip shop in the centre of Taihape is missing (5)
18 Old singer/songwriter cuts off left ball and right to become contralto (5)
19 At first, frequently up in the air (5)
21 Decrepit barge taking current to Archangel (7)
22 Run out of control along wall of dance studio (6)
24 Monsters ring up Southland town school principal (5)
25 Begin to consume princess' spirit (3,2)
26 Gloomy judge (5)
27 Its rise time can support long steps (5)