1 See 15
4 American clay pit, strangely unusual (8)
9 Barely adequate setter has a quantity of work rejected (6)
10 Former drink provider is pale, having a spell inside (8)
12 Takes Reliant Robin owners with us, for IoM event (8)
13 Australian Premier inhales this? (5)
15/18/1/27 5 and 10 announce themselves here, every Wednesday at nine, when one wants a hand, not a hotchpotch! (4,3,7,3,3,2,6,3,3,6)
22 It spaces pairs (5)
23 Description of transport for owl and another bird cooped up, swapping sides (3-5)
26 Man gets crust and always returns for dish (8)
27 See 15
28 In a fuddle, right? Horribly bad! (8)
29 Trust fairy to hide key (6)
1 Base householder repudiates Queen - about time! (4,4)
2 Explore made out road (2,1,4)
3 Sniff through these traps, not sprung initially (5)
5 Warm fruit sustains temperature (4)
6 Things happening with ambassador, facing workforce shortage, embraced by secretary! (9)
7 Where you may go - or the opposite, with Ministry involved (7)
8 Stay or bra, perhaps, that is ripped off? (6)
11 Aim to get involved in endless search for soap (7)
14 Speaker chopped wet tree (7)
16 Surpass response about stopping flow (9)
17 Filmed 1960s submarine departing with dipped beam (8)
19 Fine for this type of book about endless tune... (7)
20 ...endless rant, and Lee perplexed! (7)
21 Cut short American money given to daughter (6)
24 Girl, for instance, got up carrying fashionable papers (5)
25 Lover of ancient weapon given hearing (4)
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