1 By way of (3)
4 A hoofed mammal (2)
6 To dress or adorn carefully (5)
8 Thick woolen fabric used for clothing (5)
10 An expression of pain or disapproval (4)
11 A source of happiness (3)
12 Sine ___ nonn (in the capacity of) (3)
14 Any creature of exceptional size (5)
16 A small inflamed elevation of the skin (3)
17 Symbol for the element barium (2)
18 Prep. for from, down or away (2)
19 A pal (2)
20 To rest on the buttocks (3)
22 The essential qualities of a person (good or ill) (7)
24 Air pollution caused by volcanic emissions (4)
26 An Asian shrub used for thatching and clothing (2)
27 An expression of doubt or surprise (2)
28 Soft, sharp, ringing sounds (6)
30 Gaseous element that give a red glow in a vacuum tube (4)
32 Finely ground meal of a cereal grain (5)
33 The side sheltered from the wind (3)