8 South Yorkshire first, then North Carolina in this. (4)
9 Miss Hayworth around a dish. (5)
10 Open a container. (4)
11 State founder on Lance's flag. (6)
12 A belief in floccinaucinihilipilification? (8)
13 All Nina's completion. (8)
15 Superlative in action. (6)
17 That landlord Rachman collected old money. (7)
19 Shake a soldier in front of a gallery. (7)
22 Look over very soft fruit. (6)
24 Drunk breaks spirit. (8)
26 I mop gite after treating infection. (8)
28 Plants with deadheaded brutes. (6)
30 Nothing but round and round. (4)
31 Firmly handle drug complaint. (5)
32 Sharp boy backs celebrities. (4)
1 Generously publicise sides of happy prose. (4)
2 Heartless coin swallowed by a short lad. (8)
3 Speedy fellow in page turner. (6)
4 Expedition leader, look without charge. (7)
5 Axis warning in Germany (one for you at sea, sport)? (8)
6 Caught by copper and sodium backed shop. (6)
7 Spectacle hooks last car with veneer stripped. (4)
14 Lover vexed without joy. (5)
16 Established work bar. (5)
18 Service Area, grim building? (8)
20 Leaves boxing tutor on American time. (3,5)
21 First class notes composed by the Baltic. (7)
23 Loads carry on outside hospital department. (6)
25 Awkward start belonging to woman around stret trader. (6)
27 Medium back trouble heard in cattery. (4)
29 State hello while riding a bike. (4)
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