1 Outline work to be taken over by the union (9)
8 Makes balanced smooth drink (5,2)
10 Mild ado about card game (3,4)
11 Support staff caught replacing piece of tat (9)
12 Hug Charlie, and scramble to get rid of Miles (6)
15 I cry in audition, and stare (7)
16 New lease isn't absolutely necessary (9)
19 What a miserly gunman wants: a hit at an easy target (5,4)
20 Introduction to Ronnie Barker goes ahead for Underground worker (7)
22 One shoots bird with rifle, primarily (6)
23 Bishop is wanting marijuana in a dangerous place (5,4)
25 Chained up Australian native (7)
27 Rest of story miserable (3,4)
28 Perhaps watch Berners-Lee with electronic component (9)
1 Drinks, as she's in bed with cold? On the contrary (8)
2 Mafia boss about to get go-ahead (3)
3 Supervise extended helter-skelter (8)
4 Small basin for washing bottom, when undressed, and face (4)
5 On the radio, announce missiles found in archipelago (10)
6 Study a fair way to charge for hire of item? (6)
7 Request from European in shock (6)
9 Art of navigation, in the main (10)
13 Spirit of Verdi still at Emilia-Romagna (10)
14 Incongruous strip dance at work (10)
17 Starts dance in workplace with fewer restrictions (4,4)
18 Look to the heavens as tear gas dispersed around Zambia (8)
20 Barium found in gun metal (6)
21 Well I never! Kevin Pietersen often trash-talked openers (6)
24 Add a bit of milk to cuppa for co-workers (4)
26 End of regime - time to leave (3)
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