7 City next to Padua (6)
8 Famous huntress ,in Greek mythology (8)
9 Czech born playwright (8)
10 City of Devon (6)
11 Evergreen of the Dogbane family (8)
12 Affront (6)
13 Land between the Tigris and Euphrates (11)
18 Scott Fitzgerald character (6)
20 Author of Chronicles of Barsetshire (8)
22 French port (6)
23 Chemical element, symbol 'K' (8)
24 Two of these tried to rape 8 across (8)
25 Wine of the Bordeaux region (6)
1 Non-Jew (7)
2 1980 satirical US comedy film (8)
3 Eponymous hero of Conan Doyle books (6)
4 Surname of character played by Sophie Marceau in 1997 film (8)
5 British crime writer (surname) (6)
6 Famous work based on 'Un Capitano Moro' by Cinthio (7)
8 1971 Lumet, crime film, starring Sean Connery 'The ....... .....' (8,5)
14 Greek, husband of Penelope (8)
15 Spanish father and son singers (8)
16 She was sculpted by Pygmalion (7)
17 US shoulder pad decoration (7)
19 Ancient Greek city famous for military prowess (6)
21 Nicaraguan statesman (born in 1945) (6)
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