5 What Noah wanted wasn't much (1,4,2,3,5)
9 To create warmth can be a pig (8)
10 Josephine Baker maybe topless and way out (6)
11 Bad actors don't start to abstain from generalisations (12)
13 Might edge onto disturbance (6)
15 Shout and cry like chicken (6)
18 Toil,as a boxer might (4,4,1,3)
21 Little dress on a underling (6)
22 Great at sea accommodated in lower berth (8)
23 (see 20) (2,3,6,4)
1 Follow and observe in night vigil (3,5)
2 Erupting is rare on this mountain (6)
3 Church more disturbed by New York ritual (8)
4 Go of gracious, somehow like old waxwings (6)
6 Late fox is lazy type (8)
7 Capital town, a harbour in this Indonesian island (6)
8 Took part as the Prodigal Son likewise (4)
12 In freezing conditions it can go down fast (8)
14 Made to include girl, that's steep (8)
16 Older sort has ale with star (4,4)
17 John near to the start (6)
18 Told to hang on for this burden (6)
19 Last line of defence at Stamford Bridge? (6)
20 & 23 subscribe to a broken rule (4)
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1 Follow and observe in night vigil (3,5)