9 Finally abridged a book (5)
10 Crush / romantic partner loses head — heartless psycho wife about to return! (9)
11 Ask to compete in a season in which the leader has slipped to the last spot (9)
12 Easy to return from Kaycee via Nebraska (5)
13 Cover gold table (7)
15 "Yesterday, I was this confused guy" — Nero (7)
17 Instruction for derelict members? (5)
18 Have the intelligentsia lost, at last? (3)
20 Find details oddly lacking in dream (5)
22 Cook consuming excellent, sizzling hot luscious starters — with sauce! (7)
25 Working girl (Uma) ends hollow red alert (2,5)
26 Commercial that is unrestrained but so long! (5)
27 Technique to get around impotence (9)
30 Couple of beds in the U.S. bearing the first lady and second (9)
31 Bury the first five of eleven (5)
1 One under obligation to go slowly (4)
2 Fifty boring bulky shades of lacklustre action naively described in a novel lacking depth (8)
3 One who might trip round emotional sentences usually starts over (4)
4 Crumpled, soiled clothes! You in Spain? Your “you time”!? (8)
5 Room in Spooner's tiny place? (6)
6 First to embrace rising eccentric for a special strings arrangement? (4,6)
7 Right Wing: an extension with shady functionality (6)
8 Beg Russia to hold back press (4)
13 "Say, if there is a largest prime, then the product of all primes plus one leads us to a contradiction" — teacher, in short, receiving a zero! (5)
14 At 4 or 5, one of these may really shake things up (10)
16 Upset eviction of top two nationalists in Ireland shuffle (5)
19 While mopping up or sweeping... (8)
21 ... leave even half a tea cup nearly brewed (8)
23 Obelix irresponsibly smuggled potion (6)
24 Indeed, pizza for a millennial working in San Francisco, perhaps? (6)
26 Cats fragments? (4)
28 Excellent dramatic short piece (4)
29 Get an education, lose a bit of laziness, make money (4)
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