1 Compulsory pretrial disclosure of information related to the litigation by one party, and its prospective witnesses, to another party (9)
3 An appeal made to a court or judge for an order, ruling or the like (6)
6 The party sued in a civil lawsuit or charged with a crime in a criminal prosecution (9)
7 A method of alternative dispute resolution in which the parties submit their dispute to a neutral third person who renders a decision that resolves the dispute (11)
8 A formal document containing a statement of claims and responses to claims exchanged between parties in a litigation (8)
10 A document submitted to an appellate court in which a party seeks to affirm, modify or reverse what a lower court has done (5)
11 A method of discovery by which parties and their prospective witnesses are questioned outside the courtroom before trial (10)
12 The need in business transactions to tell the whole truth about any matter which the other party should know in deciding to buy or contract (10)