1. Long-tailed Asian bird
8. Sound quality
14. Aviation company
15. Fabric gathered into parallel rows
16. Modern French cooking style (2wrds)
18. Metropolis
19. Limb for lifting
20. Unit of weight
21. Stooge
23. Group with common ancestry
26. Colourful moonfish
27. Soothing ointment
28. Palestinian territory
31. Clever quip
32. Duplicate
33. Surreptitious
35. Pleated
37. Act of atonement
38. Single-masted sailboats
39. Minuscule
40. Common male name
41. At one time
42. Diatribe
43. Decorative wooden molding
44. Large merchant ship
46. Absolutely not
47. Possessive pronoun
50. Groove
51. Stout, freshwater fish
52. Tenant's refundable payment (2wrds)
58. Foliage
59. Techno relative
60. Curves like a bow
61. Unintentional fault
1. Sun-kissed skin
2. Host of 2016 Olympics
3. Burp
4. Tolkien language
5. Saintly quality
6. Deeply within
7. Snake-like fish
8. Opposable digit
9. Roman number for 3
10. Title for a wife
11. Informal British citizen
12. Nevada city
13. Famous garden
15. Thin fabric used in theater
17. Prematurely
21. Ceremonial displays
22. NASA moon mission
23. Adhesive strip
24. Intense suffering
25. Magma when erupted
27. Web crawlers, e.g.
29. Zoroastrian scriptures (2wrds)
30. Area for playing video games
32. Prank
33. 1/100th of a dollar
34. High male singing voice
36. Source of cocaine
37. Full of conifers
39. Delicious
42. Travel plan
43. Extract by boiling
45. Impish creatures
46. Scruffs
47. Small land surrounded by water
48. Swarm
49. Union-busting worker
51. Sandwich shop
53. Extraterrestrial craft
54. Uncooked
55. Slang for 'them'
56. Aggravate
57. Part of foot
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1. Long-tailed Asian bird