1. Freezing rain
6. US broadcast regulator
9. Demand as one's own
14. Hesitate
15. Be untruthful
16. Moscow money
17. Formal wear for heads (2wrds)
19. U-shaped river bend
20. Month after Mar.
21. Persian Gulf port
22. Very small
23. Renter
25. Clothes, informal
27. Down in the dumps
30. Old Athens covered walkway
31. Recall the good old days
33. Perfectly flat
36. Biological groups
37. Mexican shawls
40. No longer in use
41. Blend in advance
42. All together, in music
43. Crime involving internal betrayal (2wrds)
45. Modern art gallery in London, UK
49. Small kitchen measurement
50. Revise a draft
51. Teaching session
53. Hockey Hall of Famer, Bobby
55. Determined the amount of
57. Involuntary muscle spasm
58. Snake's deadly secretion
60. Showing unquestioning devotion
62. Musical direction meaning "very"
63. Swiss summit
64. Eras
65. Flower parts
66. Fork-shaped letter
67. Begin
1. Shallow areas in water
2. Small flap on a garment
3. To a great extent, poetically (2wrds)
4. Always, in poetry
5. Exchange goods
6. Excess weight
7. Fortress protecting a city
8. Soft, silvery-gold alkali metal
9. Sailor's perch for spotting land (2wrds)
10. High-end
11. Women in charge of convents
12. UN agency for labour rights
13. Cat's cry
18. Shade of colour
24. Cured Italian sausage
26. Single number
28. Land measurement
29. Lifeless
31. Latin for 'thing'
32. Indigenous Arctic people
34. Outer skin layer
35. Irritated
37. Expel saliva
38. Large birds of prey
39. Answer
40. To knight ceremonially
42. Without exception
44. Picture with interlocking pieces
46. Chronic lung issue
47. Hard worker
48. Enclse in a sac
51. Bulgarian currency
52. Makes changes to a document
54. Wander without direction
56. Stare with open mouth
58. Anatomical duct in male body
59. Time zone for New York
61. Take a seat
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1. Freezing rain