1. Part of camera lens
6. Tiny pond dwellers
11. Totally cool
14. Egyptian capital city
15. Gondolier
16. Baa-d girl
17. King Tut
19. Collar a suspect
20. Fireplace residue
21. Gladly (olden times)
22. Italian musical
24. Opposite of windward
25. Floral ingredient in drinks, syrups
28. Snag on a hook
30. Ancient English measures of land
31. Funding that doesn't have to be paid back
33. Please reply
34. Clump of grass or hair
38. Outlast
40. Fleeing prisoner
42. Disney queen's cold sister
43. Chilled beverage
45. Approval
46. Engineered waterway
48. Urgent appeal
49. Amoebic extensions
53. Frozen water
56. Temple City in Egypt.
57. Wax honey holder
58. Cerveza brand
59. Apply in practice
60. Blaming
64. Latin beat dance
65. Personal skill
66. Jolly man with a sack
67. Baby fox
68. Squares up
69. Greater in size
1. Relating to eight
2. Temporary stop
3. Church-linked storage (2wrds)
4. Irish nationalist group
5. Bits of paper to celebrate
6. Plant pest
7. Constant complainers
8. Tree prone to Dutch disease
9. A buzzy insect
10. Governator's first name
11. Extend a subscription
12. Alert and informed
13. Officially shut out
18. Leafy superfood
23. Cost of sending mail
26. Wandered aimlessly
27. One who overly cares about looks
29. Means "in a void" (2wrds)
31. School diversity club
32. Move swiftly by foot
33. Summarize
35. Giving a boost
36. Payment for service
37. Golf ball holder
39. Italian wine
41. A type of gourd
44. Deliver a speech
47. Float without direction
48. Enhance your ride
49. Spirit of determination, despite challengesdss
50. Japanese food rolls
51. Temporary leave
52. Share in small portions
54. Short tale with a lesson
55. Knighted British composer
61. Often paired with "neither"
62. French term for vineyard
63. Greek letter "T"
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1. Part of camera lens