1. Empty talk to win applause
9. Surprise attack from hiding
15. Temporary relief
16. Examine closely (2wrds)
17. Add-on that lengthens the reach
18. Side flaps on cap
19. Perceive visually
20. Seed's outer shell
22. Long scarf
23. Trans-Siberian Railroad city
25. Hurt by a bee
27. Wolf's cry
28. Pause in intensity
30. Fleshy seed coverings
32. Scottish for 'so'
33. Show disrespect
35. Victorian underwear
37. Circular areas of pigmentation
41. Voiced speech sounds
42. Just acceptable
44. The greatest amount
45. Deep hole in the ground
46. Deceptive trickery
48. Involving potential danger
52. Town in Oklahoma
54. Playful prank
56. Stubborn animal
57. Targeted
59. Discharged soldier
61. Greek letters after mus
62. Navigable waterway
64. Reworks into a new shape
66. Someone's assets
67. Reputation for excellence
68. Measures for firewood
69. Lovers of beauty
1. Chemical used in disinfectants
2. Unit of meaning in linguistics
3. Most fitting
4. Prefix meaning 'before'
5. Subtle shade variation
6. Change of plan
7. Sacred Zoroastrian test
8. Cause distress
9. Get older
10. Extinct New Zealand birds
11. Beginning of existence
12. Untie
13. Loyal and dependable
14. Beyond help
21. Indigo dye plants
24. Praise for achievement
26. Bleak feeling
29. Spiced rice dish
31. Underwater detection system
34. A native-born Israeli
36. Concise rule of conduct
37. Relieves anger
38. Having the most rainfall
39. Approximate guess
40. Antelope with twisted horns
43. Greek muse of music
47. Compounds consisting of two parts
49. Not overcast
50. Makeshift fix
51. Positive replies
53. Flask predates the thermos
55. Celestial body with a glowing tail
58. Fruit from a palm tree
60. Foolish talk
63. Affirmative response
65. Australian utility vehicle
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1. Empty talk to win applause