1 Learned three gad about (8)
6 River passing south of Milan, Ohio that smells awful! (4)
8 A walk in the park for an outdoor meal (6)
9 Transport prisoner Evgeny regularly (6)
10 Starters of yellow okra gratify Indian Hindu ascetic (4)
11 Ought emergency room have a place to cry? (8)
12 Things washed up on the beach the morning after aircraft finally sinks (6)
14 Has set sail carrying items of value (6)
16 I guess I'd change for masquerade (8)
18 Some grizzlies have charm (4)
20 Puts up with people watching football here (6)
21 Last complete river in Yorkshire (6)
22 Behave like a right beast (4)
23 Purser is at sea? That's unexpected. (8)
2 Friend from Goa? I'm curious (5)
3 Nike has manufactured accessories for noses when running (7)
4 Fabulous bird biting head off dangerous reptile (3)
5 Medical professional worried - to a degree (9)
6 Criticise the Spanish jury (5)
7 Pig out munching tea after a bit of cricket (7)
11 So my sibs and I somehow become people living together in harmony (9)
13 Is the Parisian penning a Greek character's long letter? (7)
15 One stepping out in street in front of cyclist (7)
17 Lear's daughter dumps the Italian chap who's hopeless (5)
19 Loves René's pronunciation of the flower of England (5)
21 One used to listen to organ with drum (3)
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