1 Remainder in dire straits (4)
3 Rod initially is not great filling positions (8)
8 Den is frequently sleazier (4)
9 The state of being in the money? (8)
11 Used part of watch (6,4)
14 Odd article in Paris very bent in the middle (6)
15 A draw's arranged with prizes (6)
17 Señor outside of seedy bar in Havana? He goes down (5,5)
20 Tunes rearranged - I seldom like in the end (8)
21 PM in garden (4)
22 Fords and goes across (8)
23 Man, say, lies around (4)
1 Excludes 'lures' from a cryptic clue? (5,3)
2 Charming women after small changes (8)
4 Stretched, we hear, as instructed (6)
5 Find a wader flying over big area (3,3,4)
6 Pubs in north and south (4)
7 Painter starts to gloss over yellowing Artex (4)
10 Pleads for screen and edit changes (10)
12 Gives publicity before videos updated (8)
13 Keep a distance from eastern way over mountains (8)
16 Dispatched after sailor is missing (6)
18 Raise time issue (4)
19 Island has some hotel bargains (4)
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