1 Native is a natural at sea (10)
8 Try to win this game? (5)
9 Woman laid out on carpet (7)
10 Mixing tofu and pesto? Not together! (3,2,4)
12 Make watertight? Not left in large area of water (3)
13 Row about grandchild's first cat (5)
15 State of mind I accept within (5)
17 Bath, say, at home having left Spain (3)
18 Fails to take on County? (9)
20 Part of international trade in old wines (7)
21 Possesses time, energy ... and speed? (5)
22 Stupidly enters camp leading to steep ridge (10)
1 They serve at a high level? (3,9)
2 Sense of place picked up (5)
3 Artist requiring bit of yellow for sunbeam (3)
4 Controls boundaries (6)
5 Stiff examinations (9)
6 Hot and humid needing door initially to be shut (6)
7 Surprisingly areas trashed in large part of North Africa (6,6)
11 Rockets, perhaps, let go over factory (9)
14 Gets hold of good tools (6)
16 Anchorage here, sadly, ends in Black Sea (6)
19 Problem child (5)
21 Short flight heading home over Portugal (3)
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