1 Queen disembarks from Mary Rose perhaps for another vessel (9)
6 It's taken by orchestra leader at both start and end of concert (3)
8 Giant in charge of ship that sank (7)
9 About to dispose of accommodation onboard (5)
10 Prohibit, for instance, reversing of canal boat (5)
12 Flag officer (6)
14 Cruise ships initially located in Newcastle eventually reach Sydney (6)
16 Man perhaps seen in the middle of roundabout (6)
18 Young caring volunteer (6)
19 Naval trainee is reportedly a female bounder? (5)
21 Newton tucked into cheese and pickle (5)
22 Half of Odessa port manufactured naval weaponry (7)
24 Jerk causes stomach to turn (3)
25 Sailing ships that may be filled with sherry (9)
1 Maybe gypsy globe is set aside for future use (8)
2 Mountain creature that's never been seen. Not one ...up to now. (3)
3 Weapon is unusually clean (5)
4 If you get caught you may lose this (6)
5 Gives new role to unsettled actress (7)
6 Little Joanna's child supported by her Mum's Mum and Dad at first (4,5)
7 Some stew in Dublin leads to flatulence (4)
11 Fender not originally used in band's performance (9)
13 Rabble-rousing leader moving to end publications (8)
15 They provide guidance to farmer lastly on what milkmaids have to use (7)
17 Despicable person making women gag (6)
19 Load motor vehicle and depart (5)
20 Join upcoming brass band member (4)
23 You heard a sheep? (3)
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