1 Escape someone's clutches and drive off (4,4)
5 A giant is very excited (4)
9 One who may be happy that their career is in ruins (13)
10 Turned pale making formal statement in court (4)
11 Cardinals surround ruined manor for invaders (7)
13 Stir up trouble that's visible to the audience (6)
15 French cheeses reportedly cause wind (6)
18 About an Italian region? No, an English county (7)
20 Frenchman - or Englishwoman (4)
23 If it isn't this, it's simple astrodynamics (6,7)
24 Just one fish (4)
25 . (8)
1 Quietly drive into small vehicle (4)
2 Convenient source of drinks (non-fattening) (5)
3 Firmly insistent he's an old pop singer (7)
4 The cost of a horse? (6)
6 Pull a face at dour expert (7)
7 Decline to visit daughter (2,2,4)
8 Cross to back entrance (4)
12 Gets rid of policeman's clubs, perhaps? (8)
14 Come on Mum, I can't abide late starters being funny (7)
16 Celebrate on Irish writer's broadcast (7)
17 Maiden taken in by Uncle's madcap reversal (6)
19 Oliver's embarrassed when taking drug (4)
21 Shockingly inane musical (5)
22 Dog's breakfast served here? (4)
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