1 It's donned by Arab moll in disguise (8)
6 Robin, for one, originally had only one doublet (4)
8 Ben not bothered but rather obsessed with a bee in his? (6)
9 Put another penny in drunkard's hat (6)
10 Handled soft fabric (4)
11 Rudolf's family hide? (8)
12 Yellowish-brown growths return (5)
13 The German's next to race (5)
15 Mull over tip by extreme character in Sunday Times (8)
17 After first sign of measles beg for PPE (4)
19 Iron Lady's hat (6)
20 Fish from Scottish island's out of this world (6)
21 Dean, we hear, needed to cover face (4)
22 Medic wearing more painful old Mexican hat (8)
2 A flower that's moved from bed (5)
3 Scary creature highlighted in sermon's terrifying (7)
4 Desert fighter's a deserter (3)
5 Treat Lady Gaga like a sort of saint (6-3)
6 Dance ends outsiders' dreams (5)
7 Condition of someone on diet who obeys it badly (7)
11 Attaches less importance to Northern Irish dramas? (9)
12 Girlfriend or crush? (7)
14 Walker who goes on and on (7)
16 Ugly dwarf's charge for crossing bridge over river (5)
18 Stick fork into piece of asparagus (5)
20 Mime is keeping quiet (3)
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