3 Act poorly - in "The Lion King"? (3)
8 Greek character initially dedicates early life to Athens (5)
9 Don Hall surprisingly the source of 1D (7)
10 Chap times fellow islander (7)
11 Country that's cold we're told (5)
12 Broadcaster's dog seen in space station (6)
14 Antelope found regularly in Inuit log cabin (6)
15 Drug I ingested after medical procedure (6)
17 Light gin cocktail I tasted eagerly at first (6)
20 Light opera's part for heavy drinker (5)
21 Got away from opponents dressed like Batman (7)
24 Not used like the pound in your pocket (7)
25 Irritates police informers (5)
26 Heart? Oddly it may be worn on one's head (3)
1 Made up dairy produce (4)
2 Seductive toy (6)
3 Quiet, reticent person has a change of heart (4)
4 Consider spare man on board (5)
5 Placing an embargo on shoe polish (8)
6 Assessing sailor (6)
7 Something used to mend smashed vase I'd helped enamel originally (8)
12 Penalties for dodgy footwear supplier we're told (5-3)
13 One hears you can be found here in the early evening (5,3)
16 Force one maiden to sit (6)
18 Meaning "I am on the left" (6)
19 Hitler almost destroyed Edinburgh's port (5)
22 Money reportedly despatched (4)
23 Be in a hurry to frustrate hopes (4)
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