1 George initially approves of death scene (7)
5 Make fast escape (4)
7 Church garment in royal blue (3)
8 Place to sleep by river for rodent (8)
10 Make a quick getaway from Adriatic resort (5)
11 Start a row when the game begins (4,3)
13 Colour of chopped mixed oregano (6)
15 Play the part of a bird? Get away! (4,2)
17 Old instrument one's recalled to play casually (7)
18 Herb for your old setter (5)
20 Untrue that tenors often initially sing thus! (8)
22 Fellow fails to finish drink (3)
23 Finally addicts won back cocaine (4)
24 Ukrainian horseman leaves before dismissal (7)
1 Old army punishment centre - a hotspot? (10)
2 Clearly mark endless ballet dancing (5)
3 Experienced type sold great cocktail (3,6)
4 Industrial action a success in alley (6)
5 Show displeasure with prohibition? No thanks! (3)
6 The Spanish ticket agent missed the boat (4,3)
9 Inaccurate beginning (3,3,4)
12 Bad reactions to artistic works (9)
14 Sailor Mark to eschew alcohol (7)
16 In crushed ice, encountered something sickening (6)
19 Initially your unpleasant cousin called around for this plant (5)
21 We start to stand up and wield a needle (3)
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