1 Christmas tree that's neatly dressed (6)
4 "Boy, that hurts", one weeps (6)
8 Awkward place to be stuck up (3,4)
10 Tree newspaper boss planted in estate? (5)
11 Get hairpiece after time (4)
12 "Horse box enthusiast" is a favourite old clue (8)
14 Rocky tomb at sea for this vessel (9)
18 Spring-flowering plant from Hanworth mutated (8)
20 Long for baked dish in November? On the contrary (4)
22 Tree found in central Derbyshire (5)
23 Allures somehow with emblems of victory (7)
24 Left no end of space for tree (6)
25 Power unit left initially electrifying fencing material (6)
1 Overheard mentions of places of interest (6)
2 Organised seminar on archaeological relics (7)
3 Send off for means of identification (4)
5 Cut in operations incorporated removing head of strategy (8)
6 Like a plate piled high with some salade niçoise (5)
7 To start with, we all really must try hugging to generate heat (6)
9 Quickly passing border in record time heading for Latvia (9)
13 So here's a strange marine creature (3,5)
15 Spear I'd found in river (7)
16 Controlling power of head of tyrannical personnel department over everyone (6)
17 Tenant has not so much before mid-week (6)
19 Expand Caribbean animals' home (5)
21 Aunt's pickled fish (4)
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