1 Scratch from contest on board (8)
6 Photograph small pile (4)
8 Game won by rolling gents' money we hear (4)
9 Ali cried, beaten in cheats' gambling game (4,4)
10 Inspectors of men on board (8)
12 Baby's bed starts to collapse - repair its base (4)
13 Called for overstepping the mark getting leg over at dance (2-4)
16 Motorist's club (6)
17 Mistakenly sent to practice cricket here (4)
18 Solitary activity requiring perseverance (8)
21 Swingers play this at vulgar party (8)
22 Boast of retro clothing (4)
23 Where you'll get wet playing polo (4)
24 Single old college has exclusive control (8)
2 Suppress an infatuation (5)
3 Some load of fuss about nothing (3)
4 Bugle playing that's swell (5)
5 Slipped by, awfully pleased (7)
6 Provocative doctor evicted us (9)
7 Attribute to a writer (7)
11 Case hinged on agonising ordeal of one reluctant to talk (9)
14 Duck and orange cooked with this herb (7)
15 Soothing preparation of some herbal medicine put on cheek (3,4)
19 Claw initially tried a lot of nipping (5)
20 Write carelessly without direction and make slow progress (5)
22 Roll up in jeep abroad (3)
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