1 It's essential for soldiers at mealtimes to raise a glass to Her Majesty (7)
5 Snoop around old golf club (5)
8 Reported logos that clash (7)
9 Drum beat recalled half-heartedly by soldier (5)
10 Leaving without one medal (4)
11 Altering composition for percussion instrument (8)
14 Knocking sound that might make one nervous (6)
15 Drum used to make tea (6)
17 Costs of travel result in sky-high food prices ultimately (8)
18 Sort of drum for deep sea fish (4)
20 Causes extreme pain with instruments of torture (5)
22 Instrument used to locate source of milk (7)
24 Cooks celeriac with the calf livers in the end (5)
25 As plates may be after party on quiet French island (5,2)
1 Twitch regularly with this (3)
2 Cross seen in a church floor-covering (9)
3 Have a go at hiding a salver (4)
4 Holiday destination found in Casares or Torremolinos (6)
5 Vandalised statue I'd put in place (8)
6 Starts to observe rotating black sphere (3)
7 Lacking audacity? On the contrary (9)
10 Old broadcast of player from Berlin's three goals in a game (9)
12 Successfully tosses a coin and goes into the lead (4,5)
13 Washes thoroughly to make acne less problematic (8)
16 Conflict blown out of proportion here breaking EU pact (6)
19 A wandering owl is missing (4)
21 Stimulus needed by snooker player (3)
23 Drink up, mate! (3)
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