7 We're off visiting autumn in America. See you! (8)
8 The Yorkshire egg-layer is next (4)
9 Warned wayward prince (6)
10 An American taking in golf here in Scotland (5)
11 The origins of animal rescue knowledge? (3)
12 Stop talking and start your drink (6)
14 Small gallery contains high-class sculpture (6)
16 Revolutionary padre's treated mercifully (6)
18 Having a strong dislike for a bit of poetry (6)
19 Cut part of Spiraea back (3)
20 Proverb of the commercial era (5)
21 I learn about going straight (6)
23 Healthy source of oil (4)
24 Recall a bit of hesitation about someone in the club (8)
1 Uncle's business premises move from E2 to E4? (8)
2 Don - a northern river (4)
3 Margin of safety in route sheltered from the wind (6)
4 Hides loose over-garments (6)
5 Perhaps get Santa to stop moving (8)
6 Their knees are the best? (4)
13 Many roll out as usual (8)
15 Ted's aunt going mad is not mentioned (8)
17 Doctor having bad year is gloomy (6)
18 A quiet look by medic gives assurance (6)
20 Wean off again (4)
22 Title given to celebrity (4)
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