1 Lucky I dispense with tour around (13)
8 Atheist at home with Castro (7)
9 Rave about text Oliver has (5)
10 Unusual to find the gunners in front of the engineers (4)
11 Undressed and hair went flying (2,3,3)
13 Extremely close after I fight for cold beer here? (6)
14 Keep away crazy sister (6)
17 Exposed ark rests in ruins (8)
19 First woman right all the time (4)
21 Flood developed in the past (2,3)
22 Turned around and danced (7)
24 Somehow a neat reminder of the sea (13)
1 Slovakia is starting to go downhill? (3)
2 Umpire free to move before grass is cut (7)
3 Every third Sunday, Thursday, Wednesday spent in the buff (4)
4 Man, perhaps, excitedly dials holding number (6)
5 Lollies warm up, we hear, in part of Arctic (3,5)
6 Swimmer's more attractive without a top (5)
7 Crudely wets altar in saline solution (9)
10 Bad weather means group discussion never started (9)
12 Spotted pattern in dance with Dorothy (8)
15 He may come home at six with support (7)
16 Speaker from Dartmoor, a Tory (6)
18 Miss a gap (5)
20 Opera singer keen to get up (4)
23 Noise coming from dislocated back and hip (3)
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