1 Order revolting cheap balti (10)
8 Subject : "The Middle East" (5)
9 Young horse gets around central Monaco in the end (7)
10 Encore ref! Fantastic! Apply the rules again! (2-7)
12 Only half a horse? Crikey! (3)
13 Type of pale ale Juliet is after (5)
15 Gathering traditional fuel around lake (5)
17 Endless drink at social gathering (3)
18 One time reprobate is back on pleasure trip (9)
20 Brochure using a small sheet of paper? (7)
21 Shaka was a Zulu icon, originally from an African kingdom (5)
22 Oddly arrive in station in a state of extreme hunger (10)
1 Fashioned best tailored heavenly bodies (8,4)
2 A bit of quiet, we hear (5)
3 Forever? Yes! (3)
4 Try some beef for tea (6)
5 Landlord collecting maintenance in secret (9)
6 Epidemic of extremely painful fever (6)
7 Treat pensioner with 50% thymol for high blood pressure (12)
11 Tell age of battered tin whistle (9)
14 Announced formal wear for player of popular music (6)
16 A pretty head of rhubarb is sharper (6)
19 I run a question over one from the Middle East (5)
21 Maybe Tasman initially surveyed East Australia? (3)
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