1 Regretted being ill-mannered on the radio (4)
3 Firmly put ones foot down on start of education career (8)
8 "Rats", the softcover edition? (9)
10 Follow Fido (3)
11 Expressed ones view of top quality wine (5)
12 Passionate in future? (7)
13 Salesman was dishonest and came back (7)
18 Is staggered by dances (5)
19 Do surgery on Norma, say. That's easy to begin with. (7)
20 Mother and boy riot violently - that's clumsy (9)
22 European copper coin (3)
23 Story from Magyar narrator (4)
24 Provide workforce for ring road - it's in the Midlands (8)
1 Parsley pointlessly cooked - have another try (6)
2 Send goods abroad - from Sandwich? (6)
4 Ate out - in the late afternoon? (3)
5 Force ancient city, oft confused, to carry on regardless (4,3,4,2)
6 Finish - as 10 does (6)
7 Trendier, but more nervous (6)
9 Made amends and put clothes on again (9)
12 I go first to toilet in this dwelling (5)
14 One in seven is irritable (6)
15 Vaguely recall where wine is stored (6)
16 Scrape by and establish party (4,2)
17 Whistle-blower ruined evenly distributed money-back offer (6)
21 Choose zero exercise (3)
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