1 This can be blown by robot men, perhaps? (8)
5 VAT on a large instrument (4)
8 Perhaps Pavarotti was originally the ENO Romeo (5)
9 Dismiss objection of old music maker (7)
11 Cheek or another part of face (3)
12 Praises log fires I engineered (9)
13 Currency Office of Government Commerce initially saved from clerical clothing (6)
15 A wafer - can one really not eat this for starters? (6)
18 Impudence of British impetuosity (9)
19 Brass metal can (3)
20 Hi-tec aluminium alloy is environmentally friendly (7)
21 Horn I played for money (5)
22 Cash coming from swindle (don't tell anyone) (4)
23 Deceivers, we hear, are fast movers (8)
1 Gossiped about story covering abstainer beginning drinking (7)
2 Some grown-ups make a confession (3,2)
3 Like a chart of pressure readings except with no illustration (11)
4 One who doesn't appear to eat contents of bowl (2-4)
6 He came from central Italy - I'm not sure he wasn't the Messiah (7)
7 Part of the choir visiting cathedral to sing (5)
10 Oriental style of one in trousers on lake (11)
14 Hates those LA pants (7)
16 All but the goalie of Milton Keynes football team could injure these (7)
17 The Law redistributed valuable possessions (6)
18 About to tuck into unhealthy food (5)
19 Catch big cat in subarctic forest (5)
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