1 Ardent desire that's out of place in soaps (7)
5 Eat out after daughter's engagement (4)
7 Leaves Greek island (3)
8 I hear father cuts these vegetables (8)
10 Green source of oil? (5)
11 I'm over beginning oil painting with pigment laid on thick (7)
13 Pungent red ingredient central to Arab recipe (6)
15 Leafy comestible is tucked into on the house (6)
17 Medic after position as researcher (7)
18 Lemon hybridised to yield another fruit (5)
20 Small orange type of duck (8)
22 Reportedly spend a penny on this vegetable (3)
23 Runner perhaps gets disqualification possessing drug (4)
24 Produce from English allotment (7)
1 Use Pop art, CGI and bit of hand-waving for presentation of statistics (10)
2 South American for starters has incredibly fishy dish (5)
3 Wowed by announcement of media boss (9)
4 Some minor Dickensian from Scandinavia (6)
5 Finally drowned in noise (3)
6 Office workers get outrageously tipsy on case of Teacher's (7)
9 Somehow afford a net at both front and back of boat (4-3-3)
12 Burning desire for extremely pretty European country (9)
14 Princess's relaxation is a cause of sickness (7)
16 Nuts need assiduous cultivation of rich natural soil initially (6)
19 Turn up some fragile palaeolithic piece of coat (5)
21 Assume Spanish nobleman is academic (3)
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