1 Einstein's exposure? A "eureka" moment! (5,2,6)
8 One with privileged knowledge of where apples may be used we're told (7)
9 Praise old road charge being cut (5)
10 Animal makes a comeback in jungle (3)
11 Slaughter race all at sea after service (8)
13 Being in agreement like Dickens's friend (6)
14 and 20D Loose stair rod? It could be a reason to refuse bail (6,4)
17 Checked dimensions certain crazy dame accepted (8)
19 Was in control of state I left (3)
21 Angry when buccaneer is beheaded (5)
22 Female singer thus raced into river (7)
24 Alone in the heart of the castle? Tell nobody! (4,2,7)
1 Rifle range? A reasonable target (4,4)
2 Attack a sailor - but only verbally (7)
3 Concealed hairdo oddly (3)
4 Doctor Foster - club in Nottingham, not Gloucester (6)
5 Confronted, I wept loudly (9)
6 Italian team is not Tottenham's European rival at the outset (5)
7 Got money for clothes to kill cold at last (4)
11 Intends to try government welfare measure (5,4)
12 Rugby player's deadlock (5-3)
15 Rubbish unpleasant woman in terrible rage (7)
16 Quickly correct posture once uniform is removed (6)
18 Rub out in temper as expected (5)
20 See 14 Across
23 Quietly I drug food (3)
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