1 Don't eat quickly (4)
3 Hail European standard bearer (8)
8 Being in arrears? Don't start complaining (7)
10 Warning! Stormy later! (5)
11 Tidy, as a monk would hope to be (2,4,5)
13 Agreement to deal with yourself to begin with (6)
15 Bowler loses head in London suburb (6)
17 "The Three Greatest Victories" - just 15 shillings (6,5)
20 Treasure in desert rover uncovered (5)
21 Northern climb not yet developed (7)
22 Figure of speech encountered by a square on the phone (8)
23 I've been known to return to hide a joint (4)
1 Ruby apt to celebrate this anniversary (8)
2 Throw away David's weapon (5)
4 Body of men, say, eaten by fierce beast (6)
5 Since garden developed, young relations may appear (5-6)
6 Two cricket terms exceed schedule (7)
7 Newts Emily fails to see at first (4)
9 Wife, pouting: "I've changed. I'll persevere!" (1,4,4,2)
12 True bent (that's bent) for dark lady (8)
14 Erodes seat? (4,3)
16 Have an idea - don't restock the garden (4,2)
18 No ace could be Indian (5)
19 What Rutherford split - a cat? (4)
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