1 Number remove hat and fall asleep (3,3)
4 Or something similar the man had engraved? (6)
8 Perhaps Ivy after party becomes a wannabe? (6,7)
10 Strangely frightening pike I reel back in (5)
11 Move away from playing ragtime (7)
13 Loved to put foot down, certain to occupy fifth place (9)
17 Large rodent starts to mark another territory around two rivers (7)
18 Wide berth at first given to Dora dancing (5)
19 Speaker might say they have ties with a movement (3,4,4,2)
21 Doctor to get less (6)
22 Country to cut back also (6)
1 The woman was in agreement and ate greedily (6)
2 After month, lectures and paints, say (9)
3 Beginning to fan weak fire (5)
5 Start from time Diana meets Queen (7)
6 It could be top of the range (3)
7 County sorted out (6)
9 Affected by views, we hear, of places to stay overnight (9)
12 Group of stars with lawyer outside of capital (9)
14 Are only set out near the beginning (5,2)
15 Hits a thousand in places (6)
16 Between two newspaper employees it gets amended (6)
18 Cooked boar around five - well done (5)
20 Rip top off organ (3)
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